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Asian Hornet Week

Monday 2 September marks the start of Asian Hornet Week. Asian hornet (also known as yellow-legged hornets) feed on bees and wasps and can have a devastating impact on populations of other insects. 

Led by the British Beekeepers’ Association (BBKA), Asian Hornet Week is held at the beginning of September as it’s the time of the year when the insects are at their peak in terms of activity, and are most likely to be seen. 

Read an Asian hornet blog post on the APHA Science blog, content on BBKA and APHA social media channels, and coverage in national media outlets. 

Any suspected sightings should ideally be reporting via the Asian hornet watch app or the online reporting form. Please help to raise awareness and encourage reporting of sightings. Alert posters and ID sheets are available to help, for more details on identification, resources, and reporting please visit the Asian hornet alert page.