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You searched for "biosecurity"

Cyprus Sovereign Base Areas

Biosecurity In 2017 a  biosecurity gap analysis (PDF)  was completed. There are no border controls to the SBAs themselves, only between the north and south parts of the Republic of Cyprus.  These do not include biosecurity controls, except in the event of public health outbreaks such as bird flu. 

Non-native Species News: Issue 5

Tackling Invasive Non-Native Species in the UK Overseas Territories (The OT Biosecurity Project) The   UK Overseas Territories (OTs)   encompass some of the greatest biodiversity in the world, accounting for 94% of the UK’s endemic biosecurity.

Pathway Action Plans

The development of PAPs is important to ensuring high biosecurity standards, as well as increasing awareness of INNS, and have been part of our GB Non-native Species Strategy from its inception, now forming part of our implementation of retained EU legislation. 

Marine Pathways Group

In addition, the project investigated biosecurity measures which may be implemented to reduce the risk of introduction and spread of NNS, as well as conducting research into eradication, control and management strategies which will play a role in elimination or reducing spread of NNS in the event of an introduction.  

St Helena

Biosecurity In 2017 a  biosecurity gap analysis (PDF)  was completed.  St Helena Island is one of the territories with the greatest biosecurity capacity having been the subject of a recent 4-year project to build capacity in biosecurity in anticipation of air access.

Turks & Caicos Islands

New draft biosecurity legislation in 2019 includes provision for greater biosecurity powers both to prevent the introduction of new non-native species and to manage established invasive species. A biosecurity policy has also been drafted.

British Virgin Islands

Biosecurity In 2017 a  biosecurity gap analysis (PDF)  was completed.  Overall, BVI was found to have reasonable biosecurity capacity. Officers has received training in pest risk analysis.

British Indian Ocean Territory

Biosecurity In 2017 a  biosecurity gap analysis (PDF)  was completed.  BIOT does not have dedicated biosecurity officers. There is a customs team who inspect luggage and personnel for contraband items (drugs etc), who receive biosecurity training on checking for plant and animal material in both containers and in personal luggage.


In 2019 new regional OECS Bills were being developed in Plant Health, Animal Health and Plant Protection, and Montserrat was looking to revise its biosecurity legislation in-line to provide a regional framework. Biosecurity policy in early stages of drafting, to complement new biosecurity legislation. 

Tristan da Cunha

The Management Plan also sets out actions to develop and implement an overall biosecurity plan for the islands. Biosecurity In 2017 a  biosecurity gap analysis (PDF)  was completed. Overall biosecurity capacity is poor, with no facilities on the main island for inspections or treatments.

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